The Saving Tara Project has never been an exclusive club for myself and my friends to go and “commune” with the most iconic movie set of all times. From the beginning this has been about getting out the word that the Tara façade still exists and providing a way for folks around the world to come and see it.
As I have explained before, I am the only guide for this tour and since I also give presentations elsewhere I have to schedule these Tara façade tours when I have time available. Many of you have contacted me over the last few days asking of the next scheduled dates and some of those dates will work for my schedule and some will not…but please know I’m trying to work out as many as I can.
As those who have taken the tour know I tell each group that the FACT that they have shown up and paid their money to see the Tara façade has added more bricks to the foundation of this project. That each person who pays for a tour says that it is worth their time and hard earned money to see. And of course each dollar that is given to the tours is used to continue the work since at present we have no corporate sponsors and no boards to seek out donations…..but I believe that will come only if I continue to do my job which is tell the story and meet the visitors at the gate.
So,….I ask that today those of you looking for a particular date in which to tour the Tara façade over the next three months please post that request here. I want others to see what dates are requested and see how many folks want to visit with Tara before the end of the year. Please be aware that this project will not be “finished” any time soon and therefore there will not be a Grand Opening for you to wait for. The project continues as long as the owners allow me the opportunity and so I suggest that, “what thou do, do quickly” for we can all talk as Scarlett and “think about it tomorrow” but there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come.
I will take those dates and within a few days post the ones that I can provide. I will also post a link to an online booking site so there will be no more cash only tours.
It will be my pleasure to meet you all up at the gate.
So happy to hear there is still opportunities to tour the Tara facade . If the tours are only on weekends we are looking at Saturday , October 10, and 24th. Looking forward to this adventure and will watch for your available dates. Thank you for opening the tours again. Hope to see you “at the gate”.
To all who have not yet taken Peter’s tour of Tara, you won’t be disappointed. He tells all you want to know, and what you see is so facinati g. I took the tour while visiting Georgia Aug. 22nd, was not disappointed not once.
Thanks Peter, you are the greatest. Keep on trucking, as we say in Texas!
Love ya,
Judy & Tom
I think a cooler weather one would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be watching for dates for the tour. I hope it coincides with our trip south this fall around October 16th
I’ll be visiting the Atlanta area from out of town, from Sat Oct 3rd (afternoon arrival) thru Sat Oct 10th (afternoon flight out). A big fan of GWTW & I would love to see the tour.